A Semente
Jornal do Agrupamento de Escolas Dr Flávio Gonçalv

Por Paula Costa (Professora), em 2018/01/16536 leram | 0 comentários | 123 gostam
Daniela is very beautiful, even though she says she’s not. I think that she’s intelligent and so deep in her feelings. It’s like her mind is older than her.
We are so similar and I love her so much. I just wish I can delete the distance between us…
Daniela is taller than me. She has beautiful hazel eyes and short brown hair.
 I love her humor, seriously she’s so funny!
One of the things that I love most in her is the fact that she never leaves me, no matter what happens, no matter the distance, she is always there for me to support me.
She’s my rock. The fact that she always believes me before anyone else did or even before I do. The fact that she can go through hell and come back smiling not to worry me about it amazes.
About her weaknesses, I think that sometimes she’s kind of depressed and stressed because of her hard life but I’m proud of her. So proud because she’s a survivor, she’s still there after all the stuff that happened in her life. She’s like my sister from another mother and no one can ever change that!

Iara – 8ºC


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